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Florence, Italy. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the FlowersFlorence, Italy. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the FlowersFlorence, Italy. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the FlowersFlorence, Italy. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the FlowersAncient sculpture of The Rape of the Sabine Women. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of The Rape of the Sabine Women. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of The Medici Lion. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of The Medici Lion. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of The Rape of the Sabine Women. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus. Florence, ItalyAncient head close-up sculpture of The Rape of Polyxena. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus. Florence, ItalyAncient sculpture of Hercules and Nessus. Florence, Italy. Head close-upAncient sculpture of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus. Florence, ItalyAncient style sculpture of Wild boar in Florence, Italy.Ancient style sculpture of angry wolf in Florence, Italy.Florence, Italy skyline. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the FlowersFlorence, Italy skyline. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flowers. VintageFlorence, Italy sunset skyline. Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Flowers